Tuesday 17 January 2012

Birthday Celebrations

Well............ this week has passed even quicker than last week.  People say that's a sign of getting older but I want the weeks to slow down.  I have so much I need to do, loads I want to do and so much I want to try. 

My day off last week was spent picking Jodie and Sean up from Gatwick airport and taking them back to Kingsbury to  pick up Seans car.  We had a lovely cuppa provided by Seans dad then made our way back home.  A round trip of 41/2 hours - good job Mel was there for company and the free cuppa from the drive through.

On Sunday we celebrated Jodies 21st birthday, it was also my brother in laws 50th so we let him join the party on the promise he didn't get lairy! It was only our family and Seans parents and brother.  We had such a lovely afternoon and evening.  We enjoyed a lovely meal cooked by Chris and lots of laughs and banter.  I have uploaded some photos that I took with my new camera and have started looking into part time courses at the College. 

Party games
Birthday cake

Birthday Girl (She will hate this photo)
Add caption

The birthday duo

Sunday 8 January 2012

Happy snaps

A few 'happy snaps'

Each of these pictures bring a smile to my face.

Friday 6 January 2012

A milestone birthday.............

Well Tuesday was back to work for myself and Chris and back to school for the kids.  As much as I love the work I do, it was difficult adapting to routine again after 2 weeks off.  There was a bit of drama during the downpour and strong winds on Tuesday morning when our classroom flooded and  us staff and students had to be rescued - at one point Julie was even contemplating getting them all out the window!  We dismissed that and waited for the caretakers and the palletts!

Thursday was Jodies 21st birthday - really doesn't seem that long ago.  She has grown into a young lady that we are very proud of and who 'thus far' has given us very little grief.  Well, apart from the time she was drunk at school!  She is in Florida at the moment with her boyfriend Sean, who is also a good lad. 

I have kept to my word and taken a photo a day but have realised that I know nothing about my new camera. It got me to thinking about taking a part time course at college of an evening to get to grips with it all. 

PS This wasn't taken with my new camera because all I seem to have is pictures of the dogs - instead this is a picture of my big girl and her bf.

Saturday 31 December 2011

Virgin Blogger!

Well, its the start of a new year tomorrow and I've decided that I am going to give blogging a go.  I don't lead an exciting life that will have you gripped, but thought I would challenge my lack of writing and artistic skills.  I was lucky enough to have Santa bring me a new camera for Christmas, so plan on posting photos when I learn how to upload them to here.

Tonight we had Mel, Mark Kelly and Matthew round for dinner.  I don't claim to be Delia Smith so as usual, my husband extroadinaire stepped up to the mark as is the norm.

It has been a good year and although I often moan about things, I actually don't have anything to complain about really -  lots of happy memories with family and friends and  I have finally found a job that I hope will keep me happy for a long time.  No stress, just that feel good factor.

I have started running again, although I have never run far I do enjoy it when I'm out there, and hopefully will start going to Zumba again with my zumba addicted friend. ( you know who you are!) 

Anyway, the clearing up is done, thanks Mel, the wine is opened and the board games out!